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Budehaven Community School

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About our Alumni

The Budehaven Alumni programme was created in 2024 to celebrate all generations of Budehaven students and their varied careers and successes. Through the programme, past members of Budehaven Community School are celebrated with the prestigious Alumni Award and invited to give talks to present students: inspiring and encouraging them to see paths to their future in education, industry, and employment. Alumni from such varied fields as coding, neuroscience, events management, and musical composition have visited the school, and we are keen to expand our Alumni membership with future visitors.

We are always on the lookout for past Budehaven students in all walks of life who would like to share their experiences with students, and inspire the next generation of alumni!

If you are interested in getting involved and joining the Alumni programme, contact our Alumni Lead Mr. Olorenshaw at joe.olorenshaw@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk

Latest Alumni Visit.

Sam Hunt

Friday 14th of February. We were very pleased to continue our Alumni programme with a talk from Dr Sam Hunt.

Sam attended Budehaven up until 2011 and continued through our sixth form, being heavily involved in extra-curricular activities, particularly in music and audio engineering. He went on to study Music Technology at UWE and then continued to teach there as part of a graduate training program.

Since then, he has achieved great success in the fields of computing and software development: developing iOS apps and computer software, completing a PhD in computer science, and working as an engineer for a generative AI company.

Students from our Sixth Form and KS4 Computer Science course were fascinated to hear about his journey and effort working towards this success, as Sam gave practical advice on career progression as well as valuable insights on further education and the coding industry. His top tip was "If you are going to get into coding, Learn Python!".

Staff described the experience as 'fascinating', with students expressing great appreciation to Sam for a 'really interesting' insight and his 'impressive' knowledge.

Thank-you, Sam!

Kelsey Wosnitzka.

On Friday 7th of June, Budehaven was delighted to continue our Alumni programme with a talk from Kelsey Wosnitzka.

Kelsey attended Budehaven up until 2017 and contributed greatly to our school as a mentor, Budehaven Prime Minister, part of the Prom Committee, and an all-around dedicated student.

Since then Kelsey has achieved great success in scientific fields: completing industry work on age-related blindness, and working towards a PhD on brain cancer resistance.

Students from our Sixth Form and KS3 were fascinated to hear about her journey and resilience working towards this success, as Kelsey gave practical advice on career progression as well as valuable insights on further education and medical science.
Staff described the experience as 'inspirational' and 'invaluable', with students expressing great appreciation to Kelsey for a 'really interesting talk' and her 'brilliant tips'.

Thank-you, Kelsey!

Liam Drewery

To celebrate the creation of our new Budehaven Alumni organisation, in February 2024 we welcomed one of Budehaven's brightest stars: the lighting/laser designer and technician Liam Drewery.

Liam attended Budehaven's school and sixth form, graduating in 2019, and whilst a student he contributed enormously to our school productions and local organisations such as the Bude Folk Festival, utilising his media expertise. His entrepreneurial spirit has now carried him onto extraordinary heights, working for world-famous musicians such as Muse and Robbie Williams, as well as sporting events with F1 & FIFA, and iconic brands such as Pokémon. His career is a testament to what our students can achieve when they take advantage of great opportunities.

Liam gave an assembly to our Key Stage Four students in which he outlined his journey from student to master, explaining the key challenges he faced in his career as well as the advice he could give to our students. He also delivered a masterclass to our Business and Enterprise students, speaking to them throughout the day to give practical advice and mentoring to the next generation of Budehaven alumni.

This will be the start of a series of talks from former students.

Are you a Budehaven Alumni?

If you are interested in joining the Alumni programme, contact our Alumni Lead Mr. Olorenshaw at joe.olorenshaw@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk