Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

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Careers & Work Experience

Careers Leads – Fiona George and Rachel Leverton

Work Experience Coordinator – Lucy Griffiths

Careers Governor – Michaela Pay

E Mail: careers@budehaven.cornwall.such.uk

Tel: +44 (0)1288 353 271

Careers at Budehaven overview

Edie Ward

The aim of the Careers Programme at Budehaven Community School is to provide students with the information and opportunities they require to enable them to make informed decisions about their future learning and career.
The importance of careers education and guidance has never been greater due to significant and ongoing changes in education, training and employment opportunities.


Budehaven aims to achieve all eight Benchmarks recommended by the Gatsby Foundation:


Students have access to a wide range of resources. A dedicated Careers Information area provides a comprehensive and up-to-date selection of books, magazines, college and university prospectuses, and is open to all students at all times. Students have access to a number of online careers resources via the school’s website.

Support is available for individuals with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. A CSW Group adviser supports students with an Educational Health and Care Plan. The school is working closely with a wide range of organisations, including: the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Enterprise Adviser Network, the Cornwall Education and Business Partnership, Careers South West, Next Steps, Software Cornwall, Petroc, Duchy College, Exeter University and Plymouth University to provide a comprehensive careers programme.

Jack Vincent

The Careers Programme

Year 7 & 8

PSHE & Assemblies

Year 9

Careers Guidance Evening

Assembly intro to Options

PSHE Curriculum

Careers Flexible Learning Day

Option Evening information session

Career advise available

Year 10

Career Guidance Evening

Intro to Work Experience

PSHE Curriculum

College Taster Days

Cornwall Skills Show

Health and Safety / Prep for Work Experience

Work Experience

Work Experience Conference Day

Year 11

Careers Guidance Evening

PSHE Curriculum

1:1 and group careers Interviews

College application Support

Tutor time activities and support

College Assemblies

6th Form Open Evening

6th Form Experience

Apprenticeship support and application

Year 12-13

Mock Interviews

1:1 and group Careers Interviews

UCAS Support

1:1 Tutor Meetings and tutor time activities

Unifrog Careers Software

Higher Education events and visits including UCAS Convention

Work Experience

Assembly programme including: motivational speaker local employer, higher education establishment, student finance

Cassie Jone

Measuring Impact

The School will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destinations data in line with activities that they have taken part in at school.  In addition, the views of students and parents will be surveyed after key events e.g. the Careers Information Evening, Year 10 Work Experience, Year 12 Work Experience.

Inclusive Career Provision for students with special educational needs and most-able

If your child has special educational needs (SEN), it becomes even more important to get the right information and high quality advice on all possible career options.  If your child has an education health care plan, then at the annual review meetings a transition plan will be drawn up. This transition plan will be reviewed and updated at each future meeting.  The plan enables you, your child and relevant professionals to share information and decide what action needs to be taken to ensure that your child receives any necessary specialist help or support once they have left school.

Our Most Able students have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of careers events which increase awareness of a variety of careers as well as raise aspirations. All Budehaven students engage in a wide range of activities within their PSHE careers education. In addition to this, Most Able students attend our Budehaven talks lecture programme, through which students develop a wider appreciation and understanding of the world in a range of contexts. These lectures provide students with further career and education pathways to explore. We also work with a range of Higher Education Institutions including Russell Group Universities to offer other targeted interventions such as visits to university campuses to enable our Most Able students to make informed choices about their future pathways and fulfil their potential.

Enterprise AdvisorWebsite Directory:

NHS work experience placement

Cornwall Council work experience placements







 Other Useful Careers/Work Experience Links






Documentation & Links

Cornwall Council Work Experience information

 Employment of school age children