Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

Budehaven Community School

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Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities, designed to support the personal development of young people aged 14 – 25. It offers an individual challenge and encourages young people to undertake exciting, constructive, challenging and enjoyable activities in their free time.

Participating in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award enables students develop communication skills, problem-solving abilities and proves they have dedication and perseverance. It also proves they can be responsible and work as a team to attain a predetermined goal. These are valuable qualities when looking to enter into higher education and employment.

What does a D of E programme consist of?

  • Volunteering (helping other people in the local community)
  • Skills (covering almost any hobby, skill or interest)
  • Physical (sport, dance and fitness)
  • Expedition (training for, planning and completing a journey on foot)