The information on these pages has been produced by The Maths Department to inform parents and teachers about how and when each topic is taught in Maths.
If you have any further questions about Maths at Budehaven School, please do get in touch with your child’s teacher.
Years 7 to 9 follow a mastery curriculum, predominantly from White Rose Maths but with adaptions that are bespoke to our students’ needs. At the end of each topic students complete a topic test that informs teachers’ planning. Please see our curriculum intent and implementation pages for more details. In class learning is supported by Sparx Maths homework, please see the homework pages for more details.
Year 10 follow a mastery curriculum, predominantly from White Rose Maths but with adaptions that are bespoke to our students’ needs. At the end of each topic students complete a topic test that informs teachers’ planning. Please see our curriculum intent and implementation pages for more details. In class learning is supported by Sparx Maths homework, please see the homework pages for more details
Year 11 follow a Kangaroo Maths curriculum and enter either Foundation or Higher GCSE Maths. Students on the Foundation pathway can achieve up to a grade 5. Students on the Higher pathway can achieve up to a grade 9. Decisions about tiers of entry are made by teachers and Head of Department, based on detailed analysis of student mock examinations. The exam board for GCSE Maths is AQA. In class learning is supported by a combination of Sparx Maths homework and completion of past papers, please see the homework pages for more details.
Homework is set online at and students are introduced to this during a lesson in year 7.
Homework is set each Wednesday in term time and due the following Wednesday.
Help is available via online videos and by asking a Maths teacher at the beginning or end of a lesson.
The library is also open after school for access to computers.
Year 7 to 9 students are set 30 minutes of Sparx homework each week,
Year 10 students are set 60 minutes of Sparx homework each week.
Year 11 are set a mixture of Sparx homework on line and completion of past papers.
The homework set will be equivalent to 60 minutes per week. – homework website for years 7 to 11 – independent learning website for years 12 and 13 – GCSE revision website – more details on scheme of learning and sample materials
Curriculum Intent
Maths scholars at Budehaven will experience a curriculum designed to develop students who are able to apply their analytical, numerical and reasoning skills to the different contexts required for them to flourish as successful British Citizens. By the end of their learning ARC with us the students of Bude will:
- Be able to articulate their mathematical reasoning in different contexts to prepare them for the workplace and to be successful scholars of Maths and other subjects.
- Have used concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to become fluent numerically to cope with the demands of everyday life and work.
Deepen their understanding of mathematics through making connections between aspects of maths which they can apply to problem-solving with greater independence to prepare them to study mathematical subjects in Higher Education