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PE and Sports Science

Physical Education at Budehaven Community School aims to improve all aspects of wellbeing, providing a physical and mental challenge for all pupils.

With an ambition to cultivate self-confident, motivated, happy learners. Providing a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages all students to develop relationships and cope with success and failure with recognition of progress of oneself and others, alongside embedding a lifelong love of sport and physical activity.

Pupils are offered two different courses as an option subject at KS4; Cambridge Nationals Sports Studies & Sports Science, which enables students to develop their knowledge and understanding through the theory linked to physical education specific to their strengths and needs and to provide a platform to continue their love of the subject at KS5 or as a career. The PE curriculum builds strong theoretical foundations of specialist vocabulary and knowledge to allow all students the opportunity to access the KS4 courses.

We provide a different sense of achievement outside the classroom with extensive opportunities with sports clubs, fixtures and competitions. We have a range of house sports competitions and Sports Day.  Links with KS2 & KS5 PE Specialists, sharing good practice, development to PE to further progress pupils at each stage of the school journey, and we welcome any current or past pupils gaining work experience at any time.

During the PE curriculum in years 7, 8 & 9 students are taught Games Leadership, which exposes and develops each student’s coaching and leadership qualities.

During Year 10, the Level 1 Qualification is delivered throughout the core curriculum and the leaders must demonstrate a minimum of one hour’s leadership experience. In 6th Form, the Level 3 Qualification is taught after school once a week. Students will demonstrate a minimum of fourteen leadership hours to various target groups. By doing the Level 3 qualification, leaders will gain 16 UCAS points (more information in the KS5 tab below). Alongside the practical requirements, all Level 1 & 3 Leaders will complete the Learner Evidence Record electronic booklet.

 Sports Leaders will run sporting events to our local Primary Schools.  They include multi-skills festivals and tournaments in sports such as netball, football and tag rugby.

Sports Leaders will run sporting events to our local Primary Schools, They include multi-skills festivals and tournaments in sports such as netball, football and tag rugby.

Sports Leadership provides the opportunity for students to learn how to plan, prepare and evaluate events/tournaments in a safe environment, manage behaviour, motivate and inspire others and become adaptable. Students will consequently develop skills such as communication, teamwork, self-management and problem-solving as well as their self-belief. By doing this qualification, it will make our students much more employable, more active in and around Bude, much more confident in their abilities, they become more focussed on their own development, it makes them stand out from the crowd and certainly, they become more valuable to others.

KS3 Core Curriculum

Students will receive four core PE lessons a fortnight and will have access to an extensive extracurricular programme, supporting the Government's recommendations of 60 minutes of physical activity a day, spread over a week.  The curriculum at KS3 for Years 7, 8 & 9 allows students to explore key skills across a large range of activity areas; Net & Wall, Invasion, Striking & Fielding Games, Health & Fitness, OAA and Team Building, Games Leadership, Aesthetics and Athletics. A variety of units are taught over the differing sporting seasons to expose pupils to a wide range of sporting activities, working as teams and as individuals. Lesson are differentiated to ensure that all ability levels are taken into consideration for each sport. 
Pupils are assessed in 5 main areas across all elements of PE: Performance, Making and Applying decisions, Evaluating and Improving, Growth Mindset and Responsibility; providing a chance for pupils to progress and grow within the subject.

How are you assessed?

  • KS4 Core Curriculum
    The KS4 core PE curriculum for years 10 & 11 has a more relaxed structure to cater for the needs of the older pupils, with intention to retain interest and motivation during the challenging academic years at school, with a strong focus on them developing healthy active lifestyles and their own fascination of PE and sport to continue after their PE journey at Budehaven Community School. Pupils will follow a curriculum which is varied in its delivery across an extensive range of sports and activities.

    Level 1 Sports Leadership Qualification 
    Year 10 students have the opportunity to enrol on this course to gain many transferable skills (communication, problem-solving, teamwork, self-management and self-belief) as well as the associated leadership behaviours. The course provides an excellent opportunity for extra-curricular personal development and the chance to enhance their CV’s and develop their behaviour management as a student. Throughout the course they learn how to plan, deliver and evaluate sports events, festivals, tournaments and take an active part in leadership. The course is delivered during Core PE lessons as practical and theory based learning.

    KS4 Option Examinations
    Level 2 OCR Cambridge National in Sport Science & Sports Studies
    The nature of these qualifications, requires the students to study 2 internal assignment-based units (internally marked and externally moderated) and one external exam. The exam board dictates the units required to be moderated, and sample learners for these units are sent for external assessment. Interval verification will be carried out (between all OCR teachers) for each unit, for the required sample size. All OCR teachers will carry out IV training before delivering and assessing. Whole school work scrutiny is also implemented alongside the QA policy.

    Sport Science Sport Studies
    Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions E Contemporary issues in sport E
    Applying the principles of training: fitness and how it affects skill performance N Performance and leadership in sports activities N
    The body’s response to physical activity and how technology informs this N Sport and the media N
    Nutrition and sports performance N Increasing awareness of Outdoor and Adventurous Activities N

    Writing instruction is key, then, to the success of students in achieving their potential. Modelling and scaffolding is the most impacting way we have used to enable all to succeed.  We have designed the assignments to support all students and their specific needs, whether this with regard to report writing, essay questions, written and verbal presentations or video evidence. We ensure the students are equipped with the knowledge of how to present their work using examples created through shared national resources, previous student work or internally created by teachers in the department to model written work. The optional homework also allows for plenty of opportunities to practise their extended writing skills.

    Curriculum Overview CORE PE KS3-4

    Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 in Sport Science:

    Cambridge Nationals Level 1/2 in Sports Studies:

    BTEC National Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport:

    BTEC National Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport & Exercise Science

    Curriculum Roadmap

    Curriculum Roadmap