Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

Budehaven Community School

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Budehaven Medication Consent Form

Under Government guidance for schools no child under the age of 16 should be given prescription or non-prescription medicines without their parents written consent, medicines should only be administered at school when it would be detrimental to a child’s health or school attendance not to do so, however we understand here at Budehaven that there may be times when this is necessary for your child’s health and wellbeing. In view of the guidance, we request that the Medication Consent Form be completed prior to medication being administered to your child.

The form can be downloaded here or at your request, a paper copy is available and can be sent home with your child. Once completed the form can either be brought into school with the medication or you can email the form to medicalupdates@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk.

Medicines prescribed should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and remain in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacist with clear instructions for administration, storage and the dosage required.

No child under 16 should be given medicine containing Aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor.
All medication is stored at Stratton Road Reception where records of administration are kept.
It is the responsibility of the parents to update the school if the medication is stopped at any point or notify us of any changes to medication so that staff can provide the best care for your child, as a school we understand the importance of medication being taken as prescribed and appreciate your cooperation with this.

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