Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

Budehaven Community School

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Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

  • If a parent has a safeguarding concern relating to their son or daughter, they should contact the Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer or the appropriate Deputy DSO.

  • If a student has a safeguarding concern they should contact the Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer or the appropriate Year Deputy DSO.

  • All staff are trained how to use a software system called ‘MyConcern’ to report any safeguarding concerns. These may relate to any form physical, sexual or emotional abuse, in addition to neglect. All concerns are viewed by the Safeguarding Assistant, the Lead DSO and a Deputy DSO and decisions made on appropriate action. Where appropriate, support is sought from external professionals.

  • If the Lead DSO believes that there is a serious and immediate threat to the welfare of a student, a referral will be made to the Cornwall Multi-Agency Referral Unit or the Devon Multi Agency Support Hub. Parents are always contacted before the referral is made.

  • Where safeguarding concerns are held about a member of staff, please contact one or more of the following, the school Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer, the Safeguarding Governor, the Headteacher or Cornwall Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO).
    Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr Francis jim.francis@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk 07375 113795
    Deputy Safeguarding Lead

    Mrs Barnett


    rachel.barnett@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk 01288 353271
    Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs Thomas kerry.thomas@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk 01288 353271