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Sixth Form Subjects


Exam Board OCR Ask us a question
Course Duration Two Year, Full-Time Apply
Intake Date September

 Course Overview

The OCR A-level Biology A specification uses modern and traditional biological ideas to engage learners and provides the opportunity to explore biology both in breadth and depth. Topics cover basic biochemical pathways, cellular processes and the study of organs and organisms, right through to modern population genetics and ecology. Assessment is a blend of multiple choice, short structured questions and extended response style questions. Practical skills are no longer assessed through coursework, instead a proportion of the terminal exams will be based on essential practical investigations and techniques. Practical skills competency will be assessed separately in the Practical Endorsement Certificate.

Course Content and Assessment

Paper 1 – Biological Processes – 100 Marks
2 hr 15 mins

Section A - 15 Marks - Multiple choice
Section B – 85 Marks - Structured questions and extended response covering theory and essential practical skills

Paper 2 – Biological Diversity – 100 Marks
2 hr 15 mins

Section A - 15 Marks - Multiple choice
Section B – 85 Marks - Structured questions and extended response covering theory and essential practical skills

Paper 3 – Unified Biology – 70 Marks
1 hr 30 mins
85 Marks - Structured questions and extended response covering theory and essential practical skills

Practical Endorsement Certificate – Pass/Fail
In addition to the practical skills questions which appear on the examination papers, students will be required to perform a minimum of 12 essential practical activities, on which the teacher will assess practical competency. This assessment will not contribute any marks to the overall A level but instead will contribute towards a PASS or FAIL grading on their Practical Endorsement Certificate which will be reported alongside the examination results.

Learning Methods

Biology is taught with a functional approach and there is a practical element to complement a large body of factual information. Biology is an extremely demanding and rigorous A level, with a huge variety of complex biological terms.
Students have the opportunity to conduct fieldwork to further their understanding of sampling, conservation and management of ecosystems for Modules 4 and 6 as well as opportunities to visit local Universities to use specialist biological equipment.
The Biology A Level course is extremely well resourced. Top quality lesson materials are supported by online platforms that will assist consolidation, independent learning and depth of knowledge. and after school consolidation sessions are offered to all students to assist those who may require additional support.

Future Pathways

POSSIBLE Careeer Pathways

Biology students can progress to higher education courses in Medicine, Biochemistry, Marine Biology and Pure Biology then get jobs as:
1. Generalist medical practitioners
2. Specialist medical practitioners
3. Biochemists and biomedical scientists
4. Marine Biologists
5. Other researchers, unspecified discipline
6. Higher education teaching professionals
7. Biological scientists
8. Physiotherapists
9. Natural and social science professionals
10. Social and humanities scientists

 Entry Requirements

Combined Science grade 6-6 or separate science Biology grade 6, Chemistry grade 5, Maths and English grade 5.
Students not achieving the above grades will be considered for the course on a case by case basis.

Student Testimonial

Testimonial in the pipeline

Other courses of interest

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Psychology

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