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Sixth Form Subjects


Exam Board  AQA Ask us a question
Course Duration Two Year, Full-Time Apply
Intake Date September

 Course Overview

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour. It involves the study of diverse topics from criminal subcultures to religious cults; from the divisions of race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture; and from the sociology of the family to the study of education. The need to understand the society in which we live is a pressing one. We all have a personal stake in this as we try to make sense of our own lives, as well as the wider responsibility to contribute to public debates about the way our society is organised and how it relates to other societies.
Sociology enables us to do this.

Course Content and Assessment

Sociological Methods: how do sociologists
find out about the social world?

Education: why do different groups have such
different experiences of education?

Crime & Deviance: why do people commit crime?
Why are some people labelled as deviant?

Sociological Theory: how do sociologists see the social world and how does this affect their research?

Beliefs in Society: are we controlled by beliefs,
ideologies and religion?

Families and Households: What influence does the family have in Society?
What constitutes a ‘family’?


Each unit is assessed by a written examination –
There is no coursework.

Students will sit three examination papers at the end of the two-year course.

Learning Methods

Students will learn via a range of teaching methods.

These include class discussion, seminar work, presentations, sociological research, ICT, analysing film evidence, personal research, reading, note taking and essay writing.

Future Pathways

The course prepares students for higher education and is a useful subject for those intending to follow careers which involve direct interaction with society, such as journalism, public relations, teaching, medical profession, social services, police force, law and personnel management.

POSSIBLE Careeer Pathways

Sociology students progress to higher education courses or jobs in:

1. Welfare and housing associate professionals
2. Police officers (sergeant and below)
3. Care workers and home carers
4. Human resources and industrial relations officers
5. Other administrative occupations
6. National government administrative occupations
7. Business and related research professionals
8. Marketing associate professionals
9. Educational support assistants
10. Social and humanities scientists

 Entry Requirements

A grade 5 in GCSE English Language Prior knowledge of Sociology is not a necessity – it is more important to have a keen interest in the social world and current affairs and a willingness to challenge accepted ideas about society.

Student Testimonial

Testimonial in the pipeline

Other courses of interest

  • Psychology
  • Science
  • English Language

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