Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

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Uniform - Reasonable Adjustments

Budehaven Uniform – Reasonable Adjustments for Students with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or Sensory Concerns

At Budehaven, we do expect all pupils to wear our uniform but we also appreciate that for some pupils, adjustments need to be considered. If you have any queries or concerns about reasonable adjustments to the uniform to support your child, then please contact Sally Hague – sally.hague@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk

If your child requires adaptive uniform such as soft collared shirts and 100% cotton, then  many of the high street outlets now offer these.

The occupational therapy service suggest that if a standard school shirt is worn,
then a soft white or light blue 100% cotton t-shirt can be more comfortable underneath; we would ask that this t shirt is not visible.
In addition we would also suggest shoes from the Clarks softer range as shown here:

Some young people with sensory processing disorders seek weightier items of clothing, in which case we may recommend wearing the school jumper as an additional item.

For those who prefer less weight then the jacket can be removed in classrooms to allow freer movement: your child just needs to ask their teacher but we would ask that jackets are worn while moving from lesson to lesson.

As with all reasonable adjustments, these are personal to the child and in all instances, we would encourage you to make contact with either your child’s tutor or our SENCO, Sally Hague.