Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

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Year 10

Contact: directors@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk | 01288 353271

Mrs O'Neil - Leader of Year 10

Our Vision: A set of individuals, a team and a community: here at Budehaven Community School, we are all of these things and more. Driven by the success, positive attitude and achievement of my students every single day, and alongside their form tutors, subject teachers and support staff, I aim to nurture a culture where personalisation is evident whatever the child’s educational pathway; supporting success along the journey, however small or large.

As Leader of Year 10 it’s a proud feeling to be part of the lives of this group of young people; they each have achievement and greatness within them.

It is our aim to encourage students to realise their individual potential and take pride in their own performance. It is important to us that Budehaven students respect each other and understand that what we teach at school is not just about academic achievement but is also aimed at helping to create rounded individuals who will contribute positively to their community. Supporting students through their journey into adulthood can be challenging and tricky but it is always worthwhile.

Year 10 Tutors

Year 10 (ID 1241)