Budehaven Community School, Valley Road, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8DQ +44 (0)1288 353 271 Email Us

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Director Of Transition/Leader of Year 7

Contact: directors@budehaven.cornwall.sch.uk01288 353271

Mrs Bardsley

Welcome pupils and parents to Year 7. 

Our collective goal is to help pupils to achieve their dreams and for me, the passion to enrich young lives, but also nurture those who need extra support to help them progress, is why I joined the teaching profession.
Passion and pride are vital attributes to drive the performance of every student, but I also wish to encourage them to see that the school and the wider community can influence their lives in an inspirational way.

A student’s years at school should be enjoyable, enriching and enable them to look forward to the future.

With my support, I hope to ensure that each and every student in Year 7 begin their Budehaven journey with a clear vision of where they want to go next to broaden their horizons.


Year 7 Tutors 2023/2024

Mrs Edwards
Mrs Edwards

Miss Booth
Miss Booth

Miss Miles
Miss Miles

Mrs Clarke
Mrs Clarke

Mr Bardsley
Mr Bardsley

Mr ball
Mr Ball

Mrs Jenkins
Mrs Jenkins